For 11 years, Jason Sole has traveled the country training concerned adults, social workers, sports coaches, and others on healthy masculinity. Rigid ideologies of masculinity are interwoven into the fabric of society, however, if we deliberately challenge these notions, we will create safer communities. In this full-day training, participants will learn the following:

  • Men who adhere to the “hegemonic masculinity” (or more traditional construction of masculinity) are less likely to engage in health promoting behaviors, more likely to accept violence as part of the masculine norm, and more likely to engage in a range of unhealthy and risky behaviors including.

  • Model non-violent, emotionally healthy masculinity, serving as positive change-makers in society.

“Boys need to see men doing things that are considered are against the modern mythology of what it means to be a man. Wiping their children’s noses; holding their kid’s hands. Showing that he’s cool and a caretaker.” - Geoffrey Canada  

Continuing Education Credits: 6.5 - Cost: $189.00 
